News . . .

8pm Fri 15th November 2024
Dale St Methodist Church
"from this ground" - A cycle of songs and poetry on identity, belonging and migration.
Saturday 27th April 7.15pm
Concert a great success

The concert in the intimate setting of the Unitarian Chapel in Warwick was much enjoyed and generated over £600 for Welcome Here.
Great thanks to all who made it possible and to the 3 groups who treated us to a wide selection of songs and a great blend of voices.
The Naked Truth - Jenny Goodman and Neil Bennett
All Mouth
All female acapella sextet performing songs from around the world
A pop up acapella group who meet bi-monthly under Jenny's guidance.

The joy of familiar food . . .
WHLW and volunteers from St Paul's have enabled a displaced family to enjoy the simple pleasure of being able to cook and eat the food you have been missing for months - your own. More sessions with other families will follow from April 2024
Weekly Conversation Cafe exceeds expectations
A big thank you to the volunteers who met for a couple of sessions in January with Harry Pickup of WCC to work out how best to support those trying to improve their English. Caution was expressed about how it might be a slow start for several weeks but from the start in January 2024 a couple of dozen adults have attended the weekly sessions kindly enabled by Dale Street Methodist Church. The sessions are casual, based around coffee tables, but with a theme and structure. Different groups cater for different language abilities including those with hardly any English.
Warwick University students have played a key part in this success which is creating opportunities not only for learning and growing but also for friendship.
Warwick MBA Completed
M from Kabul on her graduation with an MBA from Warwick University.

Thank you . . .
. . . you know who you are
Whilst we have names from our bank statements we have no idea who these most generous people are who have responded to our recent appeal and enabled us to continue to meet the needs of new refugees and asylum seekers locally.
It takes a particularly open and loving heart to simply hear of a need and, without seeking further details or desiring a response, give so powerfully.
Rima wins Broadcasting Award
Rima and her mother and brother were the first family we supported under the Syrian Resettlement Scheme in 2017 and so we are very proud see her continued success.
In November 2023 Coventry University announced, "Rima Ayoubi who is about to graduate from our the MA Global Journalism and Public Relations course won the award in the Broadcast Television category at the Midlands Media Students Awards for her film “Endless Darkness,” about the hidden secrets in Syrian prisons. The judges said it was a powerful, harrowing and impressive fact-finding production."

Recognition with a
CAVA Award
On 3rd October 2023 is was great to hear that WHLW had been selected from amongst 13 impressive organisations to receive the CAVA Award for Greatest Community Impact. Penny and Tricia attended the event.
What next ?
Look for the next news here